Try Our Top Selling Natural Stool Softeners - Diju and Diju Gold
Our most popular product, Diju, reliably relieves discomfort as it works with the body to gently…
- Increase production of digestive juices
- Soften hard stool
- Encourage cleansing
- Regulate bowel movements
Whether you are unable to have a bowel moment without laxatives, suffer from challenging bowel movements or need to prep for an enema or colonic, Diju reliably comes to the rescue without the irritating and overstimulating effects of laxatives.
Our top selling product for 25 years!
Why do we and our clients love Diju?
Because it reliably relieves discomfort as it works with the body to gently…
- Increase production of digestive juices
- Soften hard stool
- Encourage cleansing
- Regulate bowel movements
Whether you are unable to have a bowel moment without laxatives, suffer from challenging bowel movements or need to prep for an enema or colonic, Diju reliably comes to the rescue without the irritating and overstimulating effects of laxatives. That’s why it’s been our #1 selling product for 25 years and counting!
Keep Diju on-hand and keep things moving wherever you go!
- Home
- Office
- Suitcase
- Purse
- Backpack
- Briefcase
Diju has always worked for our clients when used appropriately and given a chance.
If it's not working for you, please call (206) 729-6211 for quick support! Or click here to set up a phone-based or on-location appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors or Registered Dietitian.
Diju: 1.25oz = approximately 750 pellets
3oz = approximately 1800 pellets
Suggested Use: Take 10 pellets with meals (do not chew). Increase as needed to bowel tolerance, up to 120 per day maximum or as recommended by your health care professional. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces (e.g. A 200 pound person should drink 100 ounces of water or 12.5 eight ounce glasses of water). Can be taken on an empty stomach for stronger results. If stool becomes watery or pencil thin decrease.
Target Goal: 2-3 easy to release, soft and well-formed bowel movements per day. Since Diju’s ingredients are so mild, you can safely increase your dosage until you find what works for you, then reduce over time, as your body begins to self-regulate.
Enema Prep: Diju is a great prep for enemas to help soften material for easier releases. Take 10-15 pellets on two occasions before an enema (ideally at bedtime, upon waking or during lunch). It's best to start the Diju the day before you plan on the enema and at least 12 hours prior to give it time to work.
Wild Crafted Ingredients: Baikal Skullcap Root, Chinese Rhubarb Root, Aloe Vera Leaf (laxative qualities removed), Dong-Quai, Cape Jasmine Fruit, Coptis Root, Raw Honey (binder).
Note: Consult your physician if you have diarrhea, are lactating or have a serious health condition. Not for use during pregnancy or by children under 4.
OUR DIJU STORY: In the 1990’s Kristi Zimmer (Tummy Temple co-owner) was on a journey to heal her own GI issues and inflammatory pain. Landing in Seattle, fate placed her under the mentorship of a renowned Naturopathic Doctor and colonic pioneer and led her to a magical Chinese herbal formula. Both changed her life.
Kristi shared the gentle-yet-powerful formula with her husband, Tim Zimmer, and when they created the Tummy Temple, they knew they had to share it with their community.
They soon discovered that the Master Chinese Herbalist who created the formula in 1954 was a kindred spirit, motivated by his own passion for supporting the wellness of his community. The two family businesses forged an easy partnership and the Tummy Temple’s Diju was born.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Diju is a dietary aid. It does not replace a good diet and is not intended to be taken on a regular basis for life. Healthy bowel movements are fundamentally a byproduct of chewing your food until it is liquid, drinking lots of good water, eating in a relaxed manner, going to bathroom when your body says it is time, and eating a diet that is balanced, varied and fiber-rich.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Introducing, Diju Gold! This Chinese herbal formula is a new addition to the Diju family and has both a shift in proportions to the original ingredients as well as added ingredients to create a new stronger effect. It's designed to stimulate digestion and elimination and can handle tougher cases of dry constipation with an added anti-inflammatory component.* Diju Gold is potent, effective & great for stubborn cases.
Ingredients: Baikal Skullcap Root, Chinese Rhubarb Root, Aloe Vera Leaf (laxative qualities removed), Dong-Quai, Ginger Root, Cape Jasmine Fruit, Tumeric Root, Coptis Root, Flaxseed, Hempseed, American Ginseng, Capsicum Annuum, Raw Honey (binder)
Directions: Swallow 1/4 - 1/2 tsp pellets, up to 1.5 tsp per day or as directed by your physician. Take on an empty stomach for stronger results.
Serving size: 1/4 tsp. Servings per container: ~ 38
As pellet size & density varies this amount may be more or less by 10%
If pregnant or lactating, please consult with your health care practitioner.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnosis, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.