Traveler's Tonic - 2oz


Traveler's Tonic is your herbal digestive ally! It contains strong Mayan herbs used traditionally to treat loose bowels caused by amoebas, parasites and salmonella.

This is a must have in every travel bag while also helpful at home! It can be taken preventively before meals or after the fact to put a quick end to GI distress caused by these unwelcome guests.

Wild-Crafted Ingredients: Jackass Bitters, Guava Leaf & gluten-free alcohol

Suggested Usage: Take one dropperful 3 times daily with meals while traveling. For acute needs take one dropperful every hour (up to 12 hours) until symptoms subside. 

Contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under the age of 3. Prolonged use of longer than four weeks is not advised.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.